Tasman Medical Journal

Tasman Medical Journal Website

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  • Custom Open Journal System
  • Custom Registration for Authors and a restricted area where authors can submit their manuscripts to the journals
  • Seamless integration with Manuscript submission and peer review platform, Manuscript Manager
  • Automated MailChimp integration allowing subscribers to the journals to receive new articles in their mailbox each month
  • Article and issue archiving through both Volume and Year indexing.
Tasman Medical Journal on Devices

Tasman Journals publish journals on scientific and medical research. The Tasman Journals website is the parent site and each journal has it’s own site as well. The Tasman Medical Journal is the first journal to be published by Tasman Journals and has been launched alongside the parent Tasman Journals site.

This project posed a challenge where Unbranded Space had to integrate the sites as a network so that articles published in a journal were also accessible to the parent website. We relished the opportunity to start pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with WordPress. A significant amount of custom plugin development was required.

Academic journals also require specific considerations when it comes to Search Engine Indexing. Unbranded Space developed a plugin that automatically generates the specific meta-data required for Google Scholar indexing for each article.

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